Now that we’ve successfully completed our first month of our year-long International Country Study theme, I’m thrilled to share with you our learning plan and resources for Morocco! Materials I’ve created are labeled with a “TK” (for The Kefar) and are available for free here. Everything else was found or purchased from somewhere online, and I’ve included all the links. If you have any questions, or if there’s something you remember from one of the YouTube videos or Weekly Wrap Ups that you think I’ve left out, please let me know in the comments below!

Be sure to also watch the related video which includes background information, visuals of some of the individual activities, scheduling, and overall planning tips.

Week 1: Introduction to Morocco

Week 2: Moroccan Food & Language

Week 3: Morocco Climate & Animal Study

Week 4: Moroccan Music & Art

  • Learned to sing “A Ram Sam Sam” and “Happy Birthday” in Darija
  • Watched this video to learn about Moroccan instruments
  • Made a Moroccan stringed instrument called a gimbri (or sintir) using a shoe box, paper towel roll, and rubber bands
  • Assembled & completed our lapbooks

We read/used the following books throughout our study:

I hope this list is helpful for you! If you have any resources you’ve used either for a study of Morocco or any other country, I’d love to hear about them. As always thank you for reading….until next time!

New Note-1

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